Tag Archives: anti-science

Zimbabwean Churches Causing Hundreds To Die By Banning Medications

Apostolic and evangelical Christian churches in Zimbabew are discouraging and even banning their worshippers from taking their medications for HIV/AIDS, and other conditions, and they are dying by the hundreds.  Because Jesus cures AIDS.  Presto!

Except that he doesn’t.


Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe

From Zimbabwe NewsDay (emphasis added):


Apostolic and Pentecostal churches with their origins in West African countries now based in Zimbabwe have been cited as the major culprits.

This sad story came to the fore during the recent burial of Tambudzai Mazvihwa (not real name) of Banga Village in Shurugwi.

According to speakers during her burial, she had stopped taking her anti-retroviral medication and developed complications, which later caused her premature death.

“Parents and relatives, I think you are all aware that our daughter here was taking anti-retroviral drugs, but for the past five months she had stopped her medication on instructions from her church elders who had prescribed holy water instead of the pills. It is the holy water that has caused her death. Had she continued with her treatment, she would be living up to this day,” said an elderly headman during her burial.

Only a few villagers attended the burial and members of her church did not attend for fear of being beaten up for having caused her demise.

As men shovelled red gravel onto her grave, some spoke in low tones condemning the acts of her church.


There was no cross, no flowers and no name on her grave. Tambudzai is yet another victim of the doctrinaire religious sects that are taking Zimbabwe by storm; she is among hundreds of other worshippers who met a similar fate.


There are also many versions of Christianity, with some churches overtly borrowing from traditional religious practices such as divination, witch hunting and “spiritual” healing.

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Hogwarts School For Christians

Hogwarts School for Christians

Becky Fischer, the dangerously crazy lady of Jesus Camp, who probably does talk to snakes, and who preaches that children must be on fire for Jesus lest they perish in the Fire, to literally lay down their lives like Islamic extremists, now has the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry.

I just don’t know how to express how wrong this is.  On the home page, nested above the ‘Christmas-shopping-discounts-ad’ button (some items up to 50% off!) and the ‘Donate-money-to-help-us-indoctrinate-children’ button is Fischer’s introduction video explaining that “Children are hungry for the supernatural” and “we have an obligation, if you will, to take them [children] to the next level” of their “God-given spiritual destiny that they were born for” in the power and presence of God (there’s levels?) — and you can get the whole series, 45 hours of it, (she holds up a couple of DVD box sets) for the low-low price of — well, go visit their web store — Prai$e Je$u$!

Ya know, children are hungry for anything that trusted adults will feed them and therefore, we have an obligation to teach them about facts and reality, not fantasy. Indoctrinating children to believe in magic and supernatural bullshit is grossly irresponsible, sick, and so dangerous on so many levels.

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Destroying Science In Schools

It is absolutely alarming that they are filling kids’ heads with this garbage in the 21st century.  These “faith-based schools”in the UK are using a very popular curriculum imported from the good ole U.S. of A.  These taxpayer-funded schools also include Muslim schools teaching their own brand of Medieval bullshit.

This is child abuse.  Read at Coburg Atheist:

… They think that you can teach children that the bible (or Qur’an) has all the answers – they even believe it themselves.  This means they are deliberately pushing the next generation backwards.  At this rate, if this was done in all schools, in a few decades we would be back in the Inquisition.

“Oh but that only happens in the backward U.S. South” you say.  Or maybe only in backward Muslim countries like Iran and Pakistan – that’s why they are under-developed.  While it is true that Science text books for children that teach creationism are produced in the U.S., they are moving to the U.K. into “Faith based schools”.  See the following video:


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