Tag Archives: islamic sociopaths

British Muslims Encouraged To Attack Democracy

British Islamist Abu Mounis at the December 2010 “Islamic Awakening Conference” calling for Muslims to attack democracy and replace it with Islam.  It’s not enough, he says, to preach to the few and convert a few.  He says they must make all of society bow down and submit to Allah.

Hey, I got something to tell ya: Fuck your imaginary ‘allah’.  The Qu’ran is the incredibly poor writings of a paranoid schizophrenic sex abuser.  Judaism, Christianity — all made up, all proven false by science and archaeology; Jesus and most of those characters never existed.  Kinda fucks up any credibility for Islam, let alone it’s own failings.



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Moderate Muslim Scholars Praise Murderer Of Pakistani Governor

Over 500, that’s five hundred, Muslim scholars, who are considered moderates, are praising the body guard who murdered Pakistan’s Punjab governor, Salman Taseer, over his opposition to the country’s severe blasphemy laws.  Cheering lawyers showered flowers on the killer, Mumtaz Qadri,as he was fescorted into court.

Taseer has been criticized, by moderate Muslims, for his support of Asia Bibi, the mother of small children who has been imprisoned for a year for allegedly blaspheming the “prophet” Muhammad, and a majority of Pakistanis want her executed.

This is moderate Islam.  From MSNBC:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Lawyers showered the suspected assassin of a liberal Pakistani governor with rose petals as he entered court. Some 170 miles away, the prime minister joined thousands to mourn the loss of the politician, who dared to challenge the demands of Islamic extremists.

The cheers and tears across the country Wednesday underscored Pakistan’s journey over the past several decades from a nation defined by moderate Islam to one increasingly influenced by fundamentalists willing to use violence to impose their views.

Even so-called moderate Muslim scholars praised 26-year-old Mumtaz Qadri for allegedly killing Punjab province Gov. Salman Taseer on Tuesday in a hail of gunfire while he was supposed to be protecting him as a bodyguard. Qadri later told authorities he acted because of Taseer’s vocal opposition to blasphemy laws that order death for those who insult Islam.

As Qadri was escorted into court in Islamabad, a rowdy crowd patted his back and kissed his cheek as lawyers at the scene threw flowers. On the way out, some 200 sympathizers chanted slogans in his favor, and the suspect stood at the back door of an armored police van and repeatedly yelled “God is great.”

Many other Pakistanis were appalled.


The response from the United States Secretary of State Clinton has been very weak, no mention of the horrific acts being committed in the name of religion, no mention of blasphemy laws, only a generic ‘we-will-help-them-in-their-time-of-turmoil’ bullshit.  Here is a good WashTimes editorial on it.

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Facebook Founder Investigated By Pakistan For Blasphemy

Facebook founder is being investigated by Pakistani police for violating their country’s blasphemy laws, which carry the death penalty, in reaction to the Everybody Draw Muhammed group.

… a Pakistani High Court judge summoned the police after lawyer Muhammad Azhar Siddique filed an application for a First Information Report (FIR), claiming that the owners of Facebook had committed a heinous and serious crime under Section 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code. In essence, an FIR launches a criminal investigation. But no charges have been filed.

“Heinous and serious crime”?  Drawing a goddamned picture?  Of a long dead person who absolutely nobody knows what the hell he even looked like?  Or, do they mean heinous and serious as in poisoning girls’ schools, throwing acid in children’s faces?  Honor killings?  Punishing severely women who are raped?  Morality police who flog women in the streets for showing a crack of ankle?  Heinous and serious crime like that?  Or, do they mean the laughable concept of blasphemy?

According to the paper, Section 295-C of the penal code reads: “Use of derogatory remark etc, in respect of the Holy Prophet, whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable for fine.”

But, but, he’s not a holy anything.  He was a lunatic that heard voices, like all other religious lunatics, like the religious lunatics that are “investigating” the creator of Facebook for an imaginary “crime”.  Why are persons outside of the islamic faith subject to islam’s inside rules?  Islamists are pushing for the U.N. to adopt global blasphemy laws.  Even Christians in the U.S. think their bullshit religion is above criticism.

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U.S. Muslim Extremists Threaten ‘South Park’ Creators

"It's wrong!  It's wroooong!!"“It’s wrong! It’s wrooooong!” … and it is absurd … and sickening.  This is why free people must never back down from criticizing, questioning, challenging and, yes, ridiculing religious dogma.  (Christians, too, are guilty of demanding their religion be bowed to by non-believers and non-christians.)

Revolution Muslim (dot-com) posted a threat warning on their website next to a picture of the body of the slain Dutch cartoonist who drew a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) (Peanut Butter Upon Him).

But that’s not a threat!  Just because they lay out exactly what could, maybe, possibly, might happen in a sorta real kinda way but not, is no reason to think they are making a threat!  How dare anyone misconstrue “this might happen to you” coupled with “photo of murdered man who did what you did” and make it out to be a threat!  “We will Someone might kill you!  It’s just a word of caution, that’s all!”

WTF?  Muslims expect to garner respect for their beliefs and their actions and their threats?  And how the fuck does someone expect people to follow in-house religious rules when they are not part of that religion?  How does believing in all of the fabricated myths that Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc. believe in, give them the idea that non-religious (or other-religous) people are obligated to follow their religious, superstitious bullshit?

Blasphemy.  Aren’t all religions blasphemous to all other religions?  Aren’t the Sunnis blasphemous in the eyes of the Shia and vice versa?  The Catholics, blasphemous in the eyes of the Baptists et v. v.?

Since when do the religious command non-believers to obey something that is imaginary?  (well, all the damn time, really)

“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” – The StrangerFacebook

.. via Raw Story .. Joe.My.God ..



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