Tag Archives: demons

‘Demonic’ Dog Hanged And Burned For Jesus

Another example of the insanity caused by religious zealotry.  It takes a really mentally disturbed person to do this.

A Spartanburg County woman told animal control officers God advised her to hang and then burn her nephew’s pit bull because it was “a devil dog” and because it had chewed her bible.

Spartanburg County animal control officers said Miriam Fowler Smith, 65, of Pacolet Mills, confessed to wrapping an extension cord around the dog’s neck, hanging it from a tree, and then setting it on fire.

Smith faces one felony count of ill treatment of animals in general, and she remains in the Spartanburg County Detention Center as of this posting.

The dog, named Diamond, belonged to Smith’s nephew, Andy Fowler, who left the home on Jan. 9. When he returned Jan. 15, Fowler noticed the dog wasn’t there.

He told officers he assumed the dog had gotten loose and was running free, but when he pressed his aunt, she confessed to killing it, according to animal control officers.


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Lou And Jesse Engle’s Struggle With Gay Demons

This demon crap really annoys me … I just never could buy that crap when I was in the fundamentalist church (for ten months or so).  Basically, non-believers are all walking around like puppets with a demon’s hand up their ass, directing all their thoughts and actions.  Any straying from the Church, or not praying enough or hard enough, or not reading the Bible enough, talking to non-believers too much, listening to secular music or reading secular material, or masturbating, all can open you up for “demonic influence”.

Jesse Engle, screen cap

Jesse Engle, video screen cap

This kid Jesse, 21 in the photo at left, has been indoctrinated,mind-fucked, into this crap since birth, I guess.  Like following through with the father-son family business, he rambles on with the same fucking tape reruns of all the crap I heard back when I was in the fundamentalist church.  He’s well-versed in the talk, the rhythm, the cadence; even at age 12 he preaches like a pro.  He really is sincere in his beliefs, I guess, it’s all he knows, perfectly controlled and molded by preacher dad.

So, Jesse Engle tells his dad that he’s had dreams of going to San Francisco (I bet he has!) to battle the dark powers of homosexual demons that control the city, “where the homosexuals boast the dominion of darkness”.  Sounds totally like a comic book adventure!  And when this man, dad Lou Engle, speaks, his voice sounds just like the damn voice-over for a cartoon Satan character.

In this video (photo on left, search YouTube for “Jesse Engle, son of Lou Engle“) he urges young people to give their teen years to Jesus, tells how he was burning for the Lord at age 12 (he has the footage) when he had prophetic dreams. Tthe Lord was telling him that the minimum age for joining “God’s gang” used to be 21, “but the numbers are being switched around” and he could join at age 12.  He’s telling kids to fast and pray and be part of the Army of God.  To me, the dude really looks and sounds, well, gay.  I’m not just saying that in a flip way, he really sounds, and looks, like these young gay guys.  And so, he’s in San Francisco with a House of Prayer in the Castro District.  Riiiight.  He tells his dad that as long as he is in SF, that God won’t rain down judgment the city.  The crowd boos.  Christians drool to think about sinners, especially homos, getting smitten by God in some horrifying way.  They drool thinking of the Rapture, believing, pretty much, that they will have a “ringside seat” to the carnage of sinners on Earth below.

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