Tag Archives: mental case

Christian Privilege Saves Child-Murdering Parents From Prison


Christian child abusers Herbert and Catherine Schaible

A Pennsylvania fundamentalist Christian couple, Herbert and Catherine Schaible, are spared prison after being found guilty for murdering their child with prayer and they are allowed to keep their seven remaining children to abuse for Jesus.  (That’s what you call “irresponsible procreation”.)  Cases like this make a good argument for regulating and prohibiting certain religious beliefs and practices that are just fucking dangerous.  The law already prohibits some religious practices, such as polygamy and slavery, yet allows parents to murder their children as long as they believe in magic powers.  Hopefully, however, that may be changing — prompted by the long history of child abuse and neglect by the Followers of Christ Church cult, the state of Oregon has just introduced a bill that will ban faith-healing as a defense for killing your kids.

Churches like these overstep the generous bounds of religious freedom granted to them.  Forcing kids, who cannot consent, to suffer needlessly through these ‘faith-healing’ rituals and to die horrible, painful deaths because their brainwashed, idiot parents are told to believe they have magic powers.

Why are these parents spared prison and allowed to keep their other children to experiment on?  They are clearly insane (emphasis mine):

Following the guilty verdict Clark [the father] said: ‘The legal community is trying to force our church group to put them in the hands of this flawed medical system, when they have chosen to put them in the hands of a perfect God, who does not make mistakes.’

About a dozen US children die in faith-healing cases each year, a handful of which spawn criminal charges, according to experts.

It is not the first time the First Century Gospel Church of Philadelphia’s teachings has clashed with the authorities.

And, the authorities admit that it’s going to take a lot of supervision to make sure that these monsters don’t harm their other kids, as they are still under the influence of the cult First Century Gospel Church.


via [link] Philly.com and [link] DailyMail UK

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TN Judge (Magistrate, Actually) Suggests Corrective Rape For Lesbians In Military

Unfuckingbelievable.  This person needs to be put on suspension and submit to a psychological evaluation pronto.  If you want to read serious crazy from someone with some deep-seated issues, read the article at The Daily Caller (link in quote below).

But, first, read below for what the chicken-shits scrubbed from the article. From Raw Story:

The conservative news site The Daily Caller has removed part of an article that suggested lesbians be allowed into the US military so that their male colleagues can “convert” them.

Critics say the article went as far as to suggest corrective rape for lesbians.

“Lesbians should be allowed to serve, gay men should not,” declared Joe Rehyansky in an article published Monday. Rehyansky, an Army veteran who served in Vietnam, is a part-time magistrate in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and a former assistant district attorney.

In the original article, Rehyansky concluded that his lesbians-only policy “would get the distaff part of our homosexual population off our collective ‘Broke Back,’ thus giving straight male GIs a fair shot at converting lesbians and bringing them into the mainstream.


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Bryan Fischer: U.S. Under A Bear Curse

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs.  The batshit-insane Bryan Fischer says that because bears are attacking livestock and people, it is a sign that we are under a Biblical bear curse.  Jeezus, we barely survived the previous killer whale curse.

One human being is worth more than an infinite number of grizzly bears. Another way to put it is that there is no number of live grizzlies worth one dead human being.  [unless it’s a queer – did I put that in there?] If it’s a choice between grizzlies and humans, the grizzlies have to go. And it’s time.

God makes it clear in Scripture that deaths of people and livestock at the hands of savage beasts is a sign that the land is under a curse. The tragic thing here is that we are bringing this curse upon ourselves.

Elisha - LOL, get 'em, bears!

Of course, this makes me think of 2 Kings 2:23-24

And he [Elisha] went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

Scripture makes it crystal clear that bald men are not to be mocked.  As a bald-headed man, I totally approve this smiting.


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Suzanne Hinn: You Need A Holy Ghost Enema


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Christian Mental Illness On Proud Display

“Don’t be afraid to use words” like ‘mentally ill‘ and ‘sociopath‘ when referring to willfully ignorant and repugnant religious idiots.


via JMG

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Pastor Jones’ Estranged Daughter: ‘He Needs Help’

Pastor Terry Jones’ estranged daughter, living in Germany, speaks to Spiegel online.  Pastor Jones had a church in Cologne, Germany; he was ousted over tiny matters of doctrine and finances, and some of his flock even followed him all the way to Florida.  Without the cover of religion, people like this would be in mental institutions.  A few clips (emphasis added):


Jones: My mother, Lisa Jones, died in 1996 of a heart attack. Shortly thereafter, my father remarried and I left the church at age 17. In 2005, he offered me a job as a bookkeeper in a company belonging to the church, which sold donated furniture on eBay. I gained a new insight, and realized that my father preached things and did things that I didn’t find to be in accordance with the Bible at all. He demanded that people completely obey him and his second wife, Sylvia. Both are extremely obsessed with power. I saw genuine religious delusion. A typical indication of a sect. Both of them wanted to control everything.


Jones: I didn’t agree with those things which I saw as exploitation and psychological abuse. I repeatedly brought those things up. In the end, he called me into his office and said he received a message from God for me: God would take my children and then kill me. I stood up and left. Then I contacted members of the church and tried to open their eyes. And I was successful.

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Despite Urgings, Pastor Jones Will Still Burn Books

[this story has updated since this post — Jones has agreed to cancel the book burning]

Religion really fucks up this world.  Whack-job Pastor Jones ain’t “backing down” and whack-job Islamists promise that Americans will be killed.  From a Comcast news story today:


Petraeus spoke Wednesday with Afghan President Karzai about the matter, according to a military spokesman Col. Erik Gunhus. “They both agreed that burning of a Quran would undermine our effort in Afghanistan, jeopardize the safety of coalition troopers and civilians,” Gunhus said, and would “create problems for our Afghan partners … as it likely would be Afghan police and soldiers who would have to deal with any large demonstrations.”

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said that the pastor’s plans were outrageous, and along with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, urged Jones to cancel the event.

“It is regrettable that a pastor in Gainesville, Florida, with a church of no more than 50 people can make this outrageous and distrustful, disgraceful plan and get the world’s attention, but that’s the world we live in right now,” Clinton said in remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations.

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Anderson Cooper Vs. Pastor Terry Jones

via JMG

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Dawkins Interviews Wendy Wright On Evil-lution

Wendy Wright of CWA

A concerned Wendy Wright

Wendy Wright, of Concerned Women For America, is so incredibly arrogant, condescending and close-minded — exactly what she accuses Dawkins of, telling him to “take a breath” (Dawkins was rather patient; she was the one who needed to take a breath).  How dare he insinuate that she doesn’t read books (even though it is painfully obvious) and how dare scientists want to teach science to students!  She has walked through the Smithsonian more than once, she’ll have him know, and that makes her an expert in all sciences, all of which are wrong (she inferred that the museum visits made her an expert on evolution v. creationism), and she knows this because she has perfect knowledge in all things through her lord jesus christ (I threw that in, but that is one fundamentalist belief and attitude).

Below is Part 1/7.  I don’t know how I made it through all seven videos (10 minutes each) yesterday.  Dawkins is a patient mo-fo for enduring Wright’s demeaning, I’m-so-holy attitude and psychotic laughter.  Demanding evidence from Dawkins and when given evidence, she declares that it’s not because she (or god) says so (insert condescending sigh combined with concerned-for-your-soul look, followed by psycho-laughter), and expressing astonishment at how Dawkins can just accept something on blind faith without any evidence whatsoever.  Irony meter melted.

Advice for creationists: How ’bout take that creationism/ID bullshit and teach it in your church where it belongs — keep it out of the fucking science classrooms.


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More Oregon Faith-Healer Parents Face Charges

Look, I know that the vast majority (OK, I’m assuming it’s the vast majority) of Christians have better goddamned common sense and compassion to know when to not take the Bible completely literally.  But the Followers of Christ Church in Oregon City, Oregon take their faith to the point of severe mental illness and criminal child neglect.  Over the decades, they have filled a graveyard full of their own children.

Because the only good home is a devout Christian home.

Now another couple in the same damn church would have added their 7-month-old baby girl to that graveyard had someone not tipped off the authorities.  The baby’s parents let a tumor grow by her eye, until it got so big it bulged her eye out, pushing it to the side.  Getting bigger and more red and purple, the parents would only pray and anoint the helpless child with goddamned fucking holy olive oil.

And, unbelievably, this man lost his last wife to breast cancer in 2006.  She had never sought or received any medical treatment whatsoever, according to the state medical examiner.  Don’t wanna mess with god’s plan, right?  Now this sick bastard gets him a new wifey, makes a baby that I’m sure was conceived totally only after marriage, I’m sure, because that would just be way too sinful in the eyes of their god.  But, after the baby arrives into this world, no god can help her then, she’s left to total neglect — no, not total neglect, because I’m sure they fawned over her day and night, wiping away the  oozing pus from her eye, anointing her with extra-virgin olive oil and pleading and praying to the goddamned air.

Why?  Why has this church been allowed to continue for decades?  Because it has been taboo to question or criticize Christianity — never mind the endless suffering that it brings.  But it is because of this particular church that Oregon passed a law making it a felony offense for religious freaks who cause harm to children.  But they keep on, praise Jeebus!

This is why unquestioning, blind obedience to religious dogma is dangerous.  Religious extremism is fucking dangerous.  These kind of people are getting all up in our government, either in office or running for office, or influencing those in office, and it is fucking dangerous.  Lou Engle and Cindy Jacobs to name just two — they actually believe that they are literally prophets from God (with the capital G) — they actually believe in all this holy oil shit, and demons, and faith healing, and they are part of the machine working to bring a Christian Theocracy to the United States, and they are very vocal about it.

Source: OregonLive


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Paranoid Delusions Of Eugene Delgaudio

Paranoid, delusional Christian Liar Eugene Delgaudio

All I can say is “Wow”.  Christian leaders will stop at nothing to beg for money.  Eugene Delgaudio claims he’s spent $800,000 fighting the Evil Homosekshuls™ who are constantly calling and stalking him and his family.  And now, says he, the constant death threats have turned into “actually” trying to kill him.  Yeah, Delgaudio says these things are happening but he does not elaborate one bit (because he’s fucking lying).  Just his wording alone makes it clear what a shameless liar and con artist he is.  The man is either truly paranoid and delusional (all of these people act that way), or he is deliberately spinning fantastic tales to con people for their money (they all do that).  The more that these religious leaders speak out, the more it shows what they are.

From Joe.My.God.:

“As the Radical Homosexuals gain more and more ground in Congress, my hands are tied. Life here in Washington has been a virtual Hell for me. I put off sending you this email for a while because I didn’t want to worry you. You see, I’ve gotten death threats and I never take them lightly. But when they go beyond threatening and actually try to kill me, it’s a whole different story. There’s more my friend.

“In the past, strangers follow my family around town. Idling cars sit across the street at all hours of the night. The threatening phone calls, the death threats and the outrageous lies… oh, it’s endless… but thank the Lord for He truly blessed me with a family so strong, so brave… and yes, so supportive! I’ve taken precautions to protect my family. Some things I’ve told you about, but some things I must keep confidential or they’d be in more peril. Will you pray for my family and me? That the Lord would keep us safe? I covet your prayers!” Eugene Delguadio, executive director of the anti-gay group, Public Advocate Of The U.S., in a lengthy paranoid and bizarre email requesting emergency donations because he’s spent $800,000 (riiiight) fighting the homosexual menace.

If you want an even bigger laugh, check out some more of his “homos are out to get me” paranoia.

ROFL @Delgaudio!  No, the “endless outrageous lies” are what comes from Delgaudio and other pathological liars like him.  And, why does he need to suck money out of believers, anyway?  Shouldn’t his gOd and the prayers of the faithful be enough to protect him from any harm, and most certainly from the Evil Homosekshuls?  That’s what one would think.  That’s what the Buy-Bull says.

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Surprise! Another Hate-Filled Preacher

"It's time to stop burning flags and start burning fags!"

"It's time to stop burning flags and start burning fags!"

This sermon is from 15 years ago.  Pastor Jeff Owens issued an “apology” which you can read at Joe.My.God. Joe notes the apology is sort of hidden on their contact page.

The damage this sermon caused over the years is unmeasurable; it can’t be known, only speculated.  I’d love to be able to dig up police reports from that town in the days after that sermon.  Besides any attacks that could have been provoked by the “godly” words of a sociopathic Man of God™, that attitude gets passed down to children with their parents at that sermon.  What if a parent in that congregation had a kid who was gay, and they believed they had a christian duty to put their kid through a lifetime of hell?

Or, a kid sitting in that sermon who decides it’s then OK to physically harm and even kill other human beings they deem inferior, as long as they invoke the god.  Or the kid who took it to heart and ended up abusing drugs or committing suicide, because this vile man made them believe that they were human garbage.  Words, especially from someone in a leadership position, have tremendous weight.  And these people need to be exposed, it needs to be called out for the dangerous rhetoric that it is.

“We need to stop burning flags and start burning FAGS! We need Hunt-A-Homo Week. We need to take ’em all out and shoot ’em with a scatter shotgun.” – Pastor Jeff Owens.

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Peter LaBarbera Supports Violent Christians, Denounces “Soft Christians”

Peter LaBarbera, who is always railing about the intolerance of the Evil Vicious Homofascist Terrorists™ towards christians, is anything but tolerant of his own christian brothers who don’t sport a woodie over  smearing and smearing innocent children and adult’s lives.  Always standing in judgement, he calls out the new head of Focus on the Money Family, Jim Daly, for “emasculating” the organization for not being hate-filled enough, for daring to focus on more urgent matters in society.

I liken Peter LaBarbera to his  counterpart on South Park: “Gay people? Gay people are evil, right down to their cold black hearts which pump not blood like yours or mine, but rather a thick, vomitous oil that oozes through their rotten veins and clots in their pea-sized brains which becomes the cause of their Nazi-esque patterns of violent behavior. Do you understand?” Peter LaBarbera Mr. Garrison on South Park.

The Peter’s post is chock full of the same tired lies, but one paragraph in particular made me have a WTF?! moment.  Here he criticizes Daly’s focus on the christian militias that are springing up and threatening violence on law enforcement:

Scolding bands of unshaven, gun-toting Christian fundamentalists roaming the woods surely will earn Jim Daly plaudits in the liberal media. Reminding the world that homosexuality and Christianity are incompatible; that repentant homosexuals can leave the lifestyle through Christ; and educating on how sin-embracing “Christianity” corrupts and confuses the Church, will earn him derision in the same media.

Peter, you’re fucking kidding, right?  Are you really trivializing “bands of unshaven, gun-toting”, ambush-murder-plotting, psychopathic christian fundamentalists as though they’re just playing harmless woodland games?  You are fucking unbelievable!  So blinded by your obvious mental fixation on homosex and the projection of your own self-fears — so deluded by your religious mythology that you actually dismiss these dangerous lunatics plotting to ambush and murder a policeman and then ambush his funeral — you are sick, dude, fucking sick.  You would never admit that there are gay folk who are good people, or that there are christians who are evil.

Peter, if you want to put the great money and time resources that “God” has bestowed upon you, to use this “gift” for your “Lord”, why don’t you tackle the very real problem in your own backyard … the fact that Chicago is a world hub of human trafficking?  What about these horrible abuses on children and women perpetrated by heterosexual men in your part of the country?  Ah, that’s right … you’re too busy combing through gay porn and prancing about at leather street fairs to actually use your “talents” in any sort of admirable way.  But, it’s understandable for a person who casually trivializes organized groups of christians intent on ambushing and murdering law enforcement officers to just “groups of unshaven, gun-toting christians” frolicking and playing in the woods, having Bible studies and humming hymns (or humming each other).

This is the beginning of Peter’s “dear AFTAH readers” post about FOTF (my notes in [brackets]):

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Christians’ Lies Get More Desperate And Insane: Homos Will Molest Amputee Vets

Andrea Lafferty and Matt Barber.  Are these idiots huffing household chemicals?  WTF?

The lying christianist bigots have been issuing panic alerts over ENDA: Your children will be forced into classrooms taught by drag queens, cross-dressers, transsexuals, pedophiles and mule-fuckers, because ENDA will mandate quotas of perverts in the schools and churches and daycares.

The fact is that ENDA does not mandate preferential treatment or hiring quotas of any kind, and explicitly prohibits them; the fact is that there are exemptions for religious organizations.  But facts do not put food onthe tables of the christianist leaders of tax-free political-religious lobbying organizations like the American Family Association, Family Research Council, etc.

NOW they’re saying that ENDA will allow employees who are turned on by amputee stumps to molest disabled veterans in the workplace.  Goddammit, what in the fuck is wrong with people?  It takes really sick perverts like Andrea Lafferty and Matt Barber to think this shit up.


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Should Religious People Be Treated For Mental Illness And Cured?

“Should Christians (and all religious people) be treated for and cured of their mental illness? That is a much better question than the one Kyra Phillips of CNN posed on a segment “Homosexuality —is it a problem in need of a cure?” The segment came about from Bonnie Lowenthal (D) Long Beach, CA who authored AB2199 to repeal an archaic law from the 1950’s that is still on the books.  The law mandates state research into the “causes and cures of homosexuality” which is no longer an issue today (with intelligent people, that is).

MRI of religious brain

Back in the day, when persons were outed, they were ostracized from family and society and even put away in institutions to be experimented on with shock therapy, physical mutilation, chemical castration and other heinous abrogations of human rights.  But science, and the ability for gay people to live openly have put those days in the past and we now know that sexual orientation is a natural part of the human mind.  The American Psychiatric Association released a study (August 2009) concluding that attempts at “curing the gay” are unsuccessful and psychologically damaging.

Message to Kyra Phillips and CNN: “Go fuck yourselves!” Sorry if that offends her (she responded to the “vicious” emails she received) but why the fuck is this even up for a debate in 2010?  Why does it surprise her or anyone that people would react angrily to bullshit like this?

Again, what if the question had been “Should Christians be treated and cured of their mental illness?” There would be fire, brimstone and death threats raining down from loving Christians everywhere!

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