Tag Archives: Stephen Green

Religious Beliefs Vs. Rights Of Kids To Not Be Told They’re Defective

There’s an article on Voice Online (UK) “Are Christians facing a modern form of persecution?” regarding the foster parenting case of Eunice and Owen Johns and the “growing concern over ‘religions discrimination.'” Um, no, Christians, you’re not being persecuted — not in Western nations.  Talk to a Christian in Pakistan and then get back with us on this “persecution” thing you think you’re going through.  Idiots.

Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson ruled that laws protecting people from discrimination because of their sexual orientation “should take precedence” over the right not to be discriminated against on religious grounds.

They’re damn right!  It is very clear what the Abrahamic religions dictate as punishments for human sexuality and what their rules are for disciplining children, women and unbelievers.  Therefore, it is crystal clear why these “religious grounds” cannot take precedence over rational thought and basic human rights in a court of law.  Sorry ’bout that, Abrahamists, but sane members of society are on to you.  Most unbelievers have already been where you are, subscribing to a delusion.

The Pentecostal Christian couple, who have fostered children in the past, said more people of faith need to stand firm against laws that infringe their right to follow their religious beliefs.

Nobody has stopped these people from following their religious beliefs.  They are practicing their beliefs right now, believing that certain people are ‘sinful’.  Absolutely nobody has stopped them from doing this.  Nobody has stopped them from going to church or praying to Jesus or any other lawful thing they wish to do with their religion.  As nice as these folks probably are — but fuck, who knows? they could be a couple of Stephen Greens — like all religionists, they’re full of shit.

Anyway, I left a comment after the Voice Online article:

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Formula That Never Fails: More Jesus = Less Morals

Christian wife-beater Stephen Green

It never fucking fails.  Inversely proportional: the more Jesus that comes spouting from some ‘holier-than-thou’ moral crusader’s pie-hole, the more effed-up shit they’re hiding and the less morals they possess.

From Joe.My.God.:

Infamous anti-gay activist Stephen Green, who is well known as a British version of Peter LaBarbera, is being divorced by his wife. Because he’s been beating her with a piece of wood.

Caroline Green was often punished by her husband Stephen for failing to be a dutiful, compliant wife, but his final act of violence against her — the one that prompted her long-overdue decision to divorce him — was all the more chilling because it was coldly premeditated. Stephen Green wrote a list of his wife’s failings then described the weapon he would make to beat her with. ‘He told me he’d make a piece of wood into a sort of witch’s broom and hit me with it, which he did,’ she recalls, her voice tentative and quiet. ‘He hit me until I bled. I was terrified. I can still remember the pain. ‘Stephen listed my misdemeanours: I was disrespectful and disobedient; I wasn’t loving or submissive enough and I was undermining him. He also said I wasn’t giving him his conjugal rights. ‘He even framed our marriage vows — he always put particular emphasis on my promise to obey him — and hung them over our bed. He believed there was no such thing as marital rape and for years I’d been reluctant to have sex with him, but he said it was my duty and was angry if I refused him.

Green’s wife also claims that their son had to be hospitalized after a beating from him.

This man is one twisted psychotic sack of crazy.  On his protests against BBC, his loving, Christ-like followers did this:

‘As a result of all this lobbying, we received death threats — awful stuff arrived in the post,’ recalls Emily. ‘Someone threatened to burn us all alive in our beds.

‘We were terrified — but Stephen treated the reaction with glee. He thrived on controversy because he could go on TV and get publicity.’

Read the whole grisly account HERE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1351585/Stephen-Green-rails-immorality-voice-Christian-Britan-private-wife-beater-says-partner.html#ixzz1CdZBKJn4

The Stephen Greens in this world have real effect on people, from the unfortunates subservient to them, to the religious zealots who take the teachings of madmen and act on them.  These are not nice people.



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Stephen Green, The U.K. Version Of Fred Phelps

Another Leviticus-spouting fundaMENTAList preacher, Stephen Green, The U.K. version of Fred Phelps.  Some of the commenters after the news article dismiss him outright because he leads an insignificant group, one that only has a few hundred followers and question why this is news-worthy.  But some commenters reflect my feelings — these people are not few in number, and their sentiment is growing and people like Green, Phelps, Wiley and Anderson need to be fucking kept a watch on, and these freaks need to be exposed and ridiculed.  Dominionist theology not only has its hooks sunk into the U.S. government (The Family), but around the world as well.

via PinkNewsUK,

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