Tag Archives: Christian sociopath

Formula That Never Fails: More Jesus = Less Morals

Christian wife-beater Stephen Green

It never fucking fails.  Inversely proportional: the more Jesus that comes spouting from some ‘holier-than-thou’ moral crusader’s pie-hole, the more effed-up shit they’re hiding and the less morals they possess.

From Joe.My.God.:

Infamous anti-gay activist Stephen Green, who is well known as a British version of Peter LaBarbera, is being divorced by his wife. Because he’s been beating her with a piece of wood.

Caroline Green was often punished by her husband Stephen for failing to be a dutiful, compliant wife, but his final act of violence against her — the one that prompted her long-overdue decision to divorce him — was all the more chilling because it was coldly premeditated. Stephen Green wrote a list of his wife’s failings then described the weapon he would make to beat her with. ‘He told me he’d make a piece of wood into a sort of witch’s broom and hit me with it, which he did,’ she recalls, her voice tentative and quiet. ‘He hit me until I bled. I was terrified. I can still remember the pain. ‘Stephen listed my misdemeanours: I was disrespectful and disobedient; I wasn’t loving or submissive enough and I was undermining him. He also said I wasn’t giving him his conjugal rights. ‘He even framed our marriage vows — he always put particular emphasis on my promise to obey him — and hung them over our bed. He believed there was no such thing as marital rape and for years I’d been reluctant to have sex with him, but he said it was my duty and was angry if I refused him.

Green’s wife also claims that their son had to be hospitalized after a beating from him.

This man is one twisted psychotic sack of crazy.  On his protests against BBC, his loving, Christ-like followers did this:

‘As a result of all this lobbying, we received death threats — awful stuff arrived in the post,’ recalls Emily. ‘Someone threatened to burn us all alive in our beds.

‘We were terrified — but Stephen treated the reaction with glee. He thrived on controversy because he could go on TV and get publicity.’

Read the whole grisly account HERE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1351585/Stephen-Green-rails-immorality-voice-Christian-Britan-private-wife-beater-says-partner.html#ixzz1CdZBKJn4

The Stephen Greens in this world have real effect on people, from the unfortunates subservient to them, to the religious zealots who take the teachings of madmen and act on them.  These are not nice people.



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Christian Mental Illness On Proud Display

“Don’t be afraid to use words” like ‘mentally ill‘ and ‘sociopath‘ when referring to willfully ignorant and repugnant religious idiots.


via JMG

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AFTAH Hate Academy Exposed

sweaty hog LaBarbera

"Porno Pete" LaBarbera

This is great, Peter “Porno Pete” LaBarbera’s 3-Day Hate Academy was full of spies, two sent by Friendly Atheist, and you can see the great 3-part write-up there: Day 1 of 3, Day 2 of 3, and Day 3 of 3.  … the things they talked about were predictable and despicable.  But, what would you expect from this bunch of freaks?

This part amuses me .. a speaker was schooling everyone on the correct terminology to use; one advice was never use the word “gay“, always use “homosexual” because it sounds more degrading – “gay” was too positive, and besides, no one is actually gay, anyway.  Always refer to all of them as the same and make it as frightening as you can make it (even if you have to make shit up without citation), and on and on.  Then there’s the unspoken: never, ever admit to the reality that there actually are gay people (but don’t use that word!) who are good people, and pretend that heterosexual people whose lives are wrecked do not exist.

This is why, as explained in the left sidebar, I make the blanket derogatory references to heterosexuals and christians on the blog, it’s just to mock the way these anti-gay nut-jobs talk.  And, are they really so stupid to think that no one can see right through them, anyway?  I’m afraid the answer is, yup.  The other really amusing instruction from a speaker calling himself an “ex-gay” (that’s short for “still-gay”) to never talk to “homosexuals” about sex or the bible because it only serves to “turns them off”, but instead quote science to them and then they will be dazzled with your hetero-ex-gay brilliance and will be left dumbfounded.  Yeeeah.  Um, except for that little thing about christians rejecting any real science that doesn’t line up with their magic book and pre-determined outcomes.  Sorry, but – FAIL.

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LaBarbera’s Hate Academy Begins This Week

sweaty hog LaBarbera

"Porno Pete" LaBarbera of AFTAH

Peter “Porno Pete” LaBarbera who runs Americans for Truth (sic) about Homosexuality, has started up an academy for youngsters to learn all about how to properly hate gayness and gay people.  He wants to teach kids about Biblical truths (It’s really difficult to put the words “Biblical” and “truth”  in the same sentence together).

therapist accused of sexual abuse

Alan Downing of JONAH, accused of sexual abuse of clients

One of the speakers for the “academy” is none other than Arthur Goldberg, the founder of JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality) and a convicted felon. JONAH is in the middle of a sex abuse scandal with one of the “therapists”, Alan Downing, who had his clients strip down naked in front of a mirror and play with themselves while he watches.  Downing has also admitted that he’s still attracted to other men.  They all are, and most surprisingly admit it.  Ex-gay therapists are frauds.  The therapy is a fraud.

It will be interesting to see how Peter’s little Hate Academy turns out.  The original tuition for the course(s) was the low-low bargain price $99, but the Peter is now letting kids enroll in his twisted world for free!  Cool!  Hopefully, it is because no one is interested.  What parent in their right mind would deliver their teen-aged kids into the hands of these deranged, deluded, dangerous freaks?

via Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters

UPDATE Word is the “academy” was/is a flop.  And, JONAH stands firm defending their naked touch therapy, and, they have changed their name to Jews Offering New Alternatives to Healing.  Very good and accurate change of wording, as we know, these scams offer anything but “healing”.

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Scott Lively On The Daily Show

Scott Lively, the model Christian sociopath psychopath who dropped “a nuclear bomb against the gay agenda in Uganda” (his own words) and who is responsible for fueling the fires of hatred in other countries around the globe, was interviewed  by Jason Jones on The Daily Show about ending DADT.

I am not gay! Hrmph!
Christian sociopath Scott Lively on The Daily Show

After this fuckwit Lively explains that the Nazis persecuted gays in order to divert attention from their own gayness, the look on his face is priceless when Jason Jones says, “So, that which you hate the most, you secretly are.” After a beautifully uncomfortable pause (for Lively) and brow-raising from Jones, Lively retorts “I am not gay”, inflected with a “how dare you” tone. The audience howls, Jones says “I didn’t say you were.”  This video won’t embed, so click the link above or below.

via: Ex-Gay Watch

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Linda Jernigan Shares The Love

Linda Jernigan preaches the lieAnother “ex-gay” tool projecting her own effed-up life and self-loathing onto others, spouting the Old Testament.  On her website, Linda Jernigan says that God commands christians to “UTTERLY DESTROY” (her own CAPS) the “demonic forces” and gay people are those demonic forces, and God commands christians to “destroy them without apologies” — BUT, but “please know” she doesn’t “promote violence towards homosexuals” BUT christians can “confidently annihilate demonic forces” (the homosexuals) — but remember, she, or rather, “God (and I) loves homosexuals” — she had to include herself in parentheses there ‘coz, you know, she’s only loving them because gOd makes her love them, yet gOd commands her to kill them.

Yeah, I’m feeling the love.  Loud and clear, Ms. Jernigan, from every extremist’s pulpit these days I hear it loud and clear, every Deuteronomy death proclamation, every Leviticus call for blood.  This is exactly the kind of talk I heard coming from politicians in ’06 that woke me up from my happy little life.

“From almost twenty years of personal experience I know homosexuality is filled with pain, torment, shame, and confusion. In addition, suicide rates among lesbians are twice as high in comparison to heterosexual women. Also, 30% of all suicide attempts among people between the ages of 15-24 are homosexuals; and, domestic violence is the third leading cause of death among homosexuals (behind AIDS and substance abuse) How loving does this sound? Can you see how homosexuals are using simple words to advance their agenda? In addition to advancing their agenda, Satan’s desire is to place the church under arrest in our communications (print and media), speech (verbal and nonverbal), and language (words).

Demons!  Annihilate!  Agenda! Kill!  “Can you see how [christian whackjobs] are using simple words to advance their agenda?”, and their lies?  Jernigan’s “personal experience” is not mine, nor anyone else’s I know.  Jernigan is another one of these christian extremists who come from some really effed-up backgrounds (I am reminded of James Hartline with his meth-burned brain).  This is her fucked-up life, this is her torment, confusion and shame, it is her alcoholism, her drug addiction (from her ‘about‘ page) and food addiction (unless it’s ‘glandular’, my apology; other than that, she is a glutton, which is soundly condemned in the Buy-Bull) and definitely not treating her body as a temple.  The Bible also says that women shall not adorn themselves and that they shall not be allowed to speak, teach, or have any kind of authority over men.  Then there’s that Ten Commandment thing, like, you know, Do Not Lie.  Yikes!  Looks like Linda doesn’t follow her own scriptures very well at all.  Her Bible is crystal clear about following these rules!

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Paranoid Delusions Of Eugene Delgaudio

Paranoid, delusional Christian Liar Eugene Delgaudio

All I can say is “Wow”.  Christian leaders will stop at nothing to beg for money.  Eugene Delgaudio claims he’s spent $800,000 fighting the Evil Homosekshuls™ who are constantly calling and stalking him and his family.  And now, says he, the constant death threats have turned into “actually” trying to kill him.  Yeah, Delgaudio says these things are happening but he does not elaborate one bit (because he’s fucking lying).  Just his wording alone makes it clear what a shameless liar and con artist he is.  The man is either truly paranoid and delusional (all of these people act that way), or he is deliberately spinning fantastic tales to con people for their money (they all do that).  The more that these religious leaders speak out, the more it shows what they are.

From Joe.My.God.:

“As the Radical Homosexuals gain more and more ground in Congress, my hands are tied. Life here in Washington has been a virtual Hell for me. I put off sending you this email for a while because I didn’t want to worry you. You see, I’ve gotten death threats and I never take them lightly. But when they go beyond threatening and actually try to kill me, it’s a whole different story. There’s more my friend.

“In the past, strangers follow my family around town. Idling cars sit across the street at all hours of the night. The threatening phone calls, the death threats and the outrageous lies… oh, it’s endless… but thank the Lord for He truly blessed me with a family so strong, so brave… and yes, so supportive! I’ve taken precautions to protect my family. Some things I’ve told you about, but some things I must keep confidential or they’d be in more peril. Will you pray for my family and me? That the Lord would keep us safe? I covet your prayers!” Eugene Delguadio, executive director of the anti-gay group, Public Advocate Of The U.S., in a lengthy paranoid and bizarre email requesting emergency donations because he’s spent $800,000 (riiiight) fighting the homosexual menace.

If you want an even bigger laugh, check out some more of his “homos are out to get me” paranoia.

ROFL @Delgaudio!  No, the “endless outrageous lies” are what comes from Delgaudio and other pathological liars like him.  And, why does he need to suck money out of believers, anyway?  Shouldn’t his gOd and the prayers of the faithful be enough to protect him from any harm, and most certainly from the Evil Homosekshuls?  That’s what one would think.  That’s what the Buy-Bull says.

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FRC Spent $25K To Lobby Congress In Support Of Uganda’s Death Penalty For Gays

What we already know, here’s more proof that American evangelical leaders want queers DEAD.  Spread this far and wide:

From Joe.My.God.:

“CHRISTIAN LOVE: Family Research Council Lobbied Congress Against Resolution Denouncing Uganda’s Kill Gays Bill”

It’s time for the Southern Poverty Law Center to reclassify the Family Research Council as an official hate group, not merely anti-gay as they are now listed. According to the FRC’s official lobbying report for the first quarter of 2010, they paid two of their henchmen $25,000 to lobby Congress against approving a resolution denouncing Uganda’s plan to execute homosexuals.  The resolution passed in the Senate on April 13th, but remains languishing in the House almost four months after being referred to the Foreign Affairs Committee. Did the FRC’s lobbying kill it? As we learned last week with Malawi, international pressure CAN sway even the most virulently anti-gay government.

Below are three screencaps of the 20-page Family Research Council lobbying report supplied to me by Duncan Osbourne at Gay City News. Among the other items they lobbied against are the overturn of DADT and DOMA, which is to be expected. But it’s almost astounding, almost, that they would lobby the members of Congress against denouncing the death penalty for LGBT people. THIS needs to fucking THROWN in Tony Perkins’ and Peter Sprigg’s smirking faces the next time they appear on cable television to speak in soothing voices about the FRC’s godly gentle love for homosexuals. The proof is right below on official United States government stationery. The Family Research Council wants you DEAD. Glory! Praise His Name! Also: Die, faggots, die!

See the screencaps at JMG.

Look, these loving christians have made it no secret what they want to happen here in this country.  They want gay people exported, imprisoned, and/or executed … Peter Sprigg, Tony Perkins, Bryan Fischer, Scott Lively, Joel McDurmon, Andrea Lafferty, her father Louis Sheldon, Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Matt Staver, the Wildmons … Jeezus, the list goes on and on and on and on … and on.

HOW can people buy into this hatred?  Sooooo afraid of thinking for themselves, soooo afraid that they might realize there is something really fishy about the whole relgiony, churchy thing.  Soooo afraid to admit that they’re entire lives are built on belief in fairy tales.

UPDATE: The Wa-Po picked up Joe.My.God.’s post, and the FRC has responded.  What utter bullshit.

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AFA’s Bryan Fischer: Homos Have “No Limit” To Savagery, Brutality

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association just cannot get any lower than he already has, but he does … if you can tell.  Claiming some of the outrageous lies straight out of Scott Lively’s book “The Pink Swastika”, Fischer says homos, uh, the macho ones, have “no limit” to their savagery and brutality.  According to him only the “effeminate homosexuals” were killed, and Hitler, himself a homo, could not find any hetero soldiers to carry out his gruesome orders, so he recruited “macho homos” to do the job, and so, this is the “threat” homos pose to the U.S.

Bryan Fischer’s sociopathic BFF at the FRC, Peter Sprigg, stated two years ago that he would have homos rounded up and exiled from the country; recently he says that homos should be re-criminalized and “sodomy” laws reinstated.  Fischer wants homos incarcerated and force-converted.

Fischer and a whole host of other sociopathic christian extremists put themselves in the line of ridicule with every outlandish public statement they make. They flaunt their delusions in bold attempts to normalize sociopathic, hateful behavior towards other human beings. Their goal is to keep repeating it, louder and louder, until it becomes Truth – that every gay person is vicious, predatory, savage, brutal, demon-possessed, an abomination to “God”; say it louder over again until it becomes Truth – that “God” and the Bible commands and expects his True Followers to rise against this hideous Insidious Homosexual Entity – with violence.  It is going on now (the calls for blood, like, Lou Engle’s Call rallies.  Just the other day, Fischer said that “God is obviously looking for” True Followers to be modern-day Phinehases, and urged his audience to go out and kill heterosexuals who are “engaging in sexual immorality” – just like the Saudi morality police – just like Islamic honor-killings – no difference.)

And they will praise this violence and cite the Bible in defense when one of their God-warriors starts having holy hallucinations and rips loose on a crowd of queers.  These sociopaths poison children’s minds with hatred, pounding in the belief that they are called upon by “God” to go out and literally wage war on sinners, using force if necessary (e.g. Becky Fischer, Lou Engle).  And these are the men and women who have tremendous influence over our lawmakers and influencing their decisions on public policies that should not concern religion.  The same men and women who claim how “silenced” christians are.

YouTube link – Bryan Fischer – Hitler was gay ..

Also read Alvin McEwin “Peter Sprigg Supports “Criminal Sanctions” Against the Gay Community”

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Surprise! Another Hate-Filled Preacher

"It's time to stop burning flags and start burning fags!"

"It's time to stop burning flags and start burning fags!"

This sermon is from 15 years ago.  Pastor Jeff Owens issued an “apology” which you can read at Joe.My.God. Joe notes the apology is sort of hidden on their contact page.

The damage this sermon caused over the years is unmeasurable; it can’t be known, only speculated.  I’d love to be able to dig up police reports from that town in the days after that sermon.  Besides any attacks that could have been provoked by the “godly” words of a sociopathic Man of God™, that attitude gets passed down to children with their parents at that sermon.  What if a parent in that congregation had a kid who was gay, and they believed they had a christian duty to put their kid through a lifetime of hell?

Or, a kid sitting in that sermon who decides it’s then OK to physically harm and even kill other human beings they deem inferior, as long as they invoke the god.  Or the kid who took it to heart and ended up abusing drugs or committing suicide, because this vile man made them believe that they were human garbage.  Words, especially from someone in a leadership position, have tremendous weight.  And these people need to be exposed, it needs to be called out for the dangerous rhetoric that it is.

“We need to stop burning flags and start burning FAGS! We need Hunt-A-Homo Week. We need to take ’em all out and shoot ’em with a scatter shotgun.” – Pastor Jeff Owens.

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Peter LaBarbera Supports Violent Christians, Denounces “Soft Christians”

Peter LaBarbera, who is always railing about the intolerance of the Evil Vicious Homofascist Terrorists™ towards christians, is anything but tolerant of his own christian brothers who don’t sport a woodie over  smearing and smearing innocent children and adult’s lives.  Always standing in judgement, he calls out the new head of Focus on the Money Family, Jim Daly, for “emasculating” the organization for not being hate-filled enough, for daring to focus on more urgent matters in society.

I liken Peter LaBarbera to his  counterpart on South Park: “Gay people? Gay people are evil, right down to their cold black hearts which pump not blood like yours or mine, but rather a thick, vomitous oil that oozes through their rotten veins and clots in their pea-sized brains which becomes the cause of their Nazi-esque patterns of violent behavior. Do you understand?” Peter LaBarbera Mr. Garrison on South Park.

The Peter’s post is chock full of the same tired lies, but one paragraph in particular made me have a WTF?! moment.  Here he criticizes Daly’s focus on the christian militias that are springing up and threatening violence on law enforcement:

Scolding bands of unshaven, gun-toting Christian fundamentalists roaming the woods surely will earn Jim Daly plaudits in the liberal media. Reminding the world that homosexuality and Christianity are incompatible; that repentant homosexuals can leave the lifestyle through Christ; and educating on how sin-embracing “Christianity” corrupts and confuses the Church, will earn him derision in the same media.

Peter, you’re fucking kidding, right?  Are you really trivializing “bands of unshaven, gun-toting”, ambush-murder-plotting, psychopathic christian fundamentalists as though they’re just playing harmless woodland games?  You are fucking unbelievable!  So blinded by your obvious mental fixation on homosex and the projection of your own self-fears — so deluded by your religious mythology that you actually dismiss these dangerous lunatics plotting to ambush and murder a policeman and then ambush his funeral — you are sick, dude, fucking sick.  You would never admit that there are gay folk who are good people, or that there are christians who are evil.

Peter, if you want to put the great money and time resources that “God” has bestowed upon you, to use this “gift” for your “Lord”, why don’t you tackle the very real problem in your own backyard … the fact that Chicago is a world hub of human trafficking?  What about these horrible abuses on children and women perpetrated by heterosexual men in your part of the country?  Ah, that’s right … you’re too busy combing through gay porn and prancing about at leather street fairs to actually use your “talents” in any sort of admirable way.  But, it’s understandable for a person who casually trivializes organized groups of christians intent on ambushing and murdering law enforcement officers to just “groups of unshaven, gun-toting christians” frolicking and playing in the woods, having Bible studies and humming hymns (or humming each other).

This is the beginning of Peter’s “dear AFTAH readers” post about FOTF (my notes in [brackets]):

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Shameless Christian Lies About ENDA

"Traditional Values" Coalition and their "Dirty 30"

TVC redefines "sexual orientation" to back up their lies.

The “Traditional Values” Coalition continues to shamelessly promulgate distortions and lies, redefining words to make them fit into their scare propaganda.

First, ENDA exempts religious organizations, so the only reason they are this vocal about it is to continue their spread of hatred through fear and lies, which have well earned them their badge of honor: they’re listed as a hate organization by the SPLC.

Out of the sick minds of Andrea Lafferty and her fellow lying christianists, comes truly weird, perverted, sick and twisted fantasies like amputee stump fucking (that’s the latest insanity to come from this revolting cow’s mouth).  Then there are the good old christian standard fantasies of incest, pedophilia and bestiality; on to corpse-fucking, non-consensual male/female frottage and their very favorite activity … eating poop.  Jesus Fucking Christ, these people are disgusting, shameless dirt bags.

The “Dirty 30” … that is TVC’s name for the 30+ paraphilias (which they redefine as “orientations”) listed at the APA’s website.  Not only do they (and all of the anti-gay hate groups) intentionally misquote the APA, they redefine psychological terms to fit their propaganda.  “Sexual orientation”, defined on the APA website, is heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, and asexual.  Those are the four sexual orientations.  The APA lists “paraphilias”, which are behaviors, not orientations, and are not specific to any one single sexual orientation.

Sorry, TVC, you don’t get to redefine medical and psychological terms to fit your lies and propaganda.  You also don’t get to (in a perfect world) make up wild scenarios from your twisted heads and depict them as though they are actually occurring, or are imminent.  You don’t get to (in that perfect world) manipulate information, twist facts, and lie to people and beg for money for doing it.

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Christians’ Lies Get More Desperate And Insane: Homos Will Molest Amputee Vets

Andrea Lafferty and Matt Barber.  Are these idiots huffing household chemicals?  WTF?

The lying christianist bigots have been issuing panic alerts over ENDA: Your children will be forced into classrooms taught by drag queens, cross-dressers, transsexuals, pedophiles and mule-fuckers, because ENDA will mandate quotas of perverts in the schools and churches and daycares.

The fact is that ENDA does not mandate preferential treatment or hiring quotas of any kind, and explicitly prohibits them; the fact is that there are exemptions for religious organizations.  But facts do not put food onthe tables of the christianist leaders of tax-free political-religious lobbying organizations like the American Family Association, Family Research Council, etc.

NOW they’re saying that ENDA will allow employees who are turned on by amputee stumps to molest disabled veterans in the workplace.  Goddammit, what in the fuck is wrong with people?  It takes really sick perverts like Andrea Lafferty and Matt Barber to think this shit up.


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Porno Pete’s (un)Official Diagnosis

Reaction formation” is the syko-logical term for what we already know about guys like Peter “Porno Pete” LaBarbera, guys like Matt BarberMartin Ssempa, Scott LivelyAndrás Király Neal Horsley … just to name a FEW homo-sex-obsessed sociopathic freaks.

If these christianists can throw out blanket pseudo-psychological diagnoses on an entire broad group of people without any credentials, then I can make my layman’s diagnosis.  Add to that different types of personality disorders, narcissistic, sociopathic.

The definition seems to have been custom-made for these guys.  From Wikipedia (emphasis added):

In a diagnostic setting, the existence of a reaction-formation rather than a ‘simple’ emotion would be suspected where exaggeration,compulsiveness and inflexibility were observed. For example,

“[r]eactive love protests too much; it is overdone, extravagant, showy, and affected. It is counterfeit, and […] is usually easily detected. Another feature of a reaction formation is its compulsiveness. A person who is defending himself against anxiety cannot deviate from expressing the opposite of what he really feels. His love, for instance, is not flexible. It cannot adapt itself to changing circumstances as genuine emotions do; rather it must be constantly on display as if any failure to exhibit it would cause the contrary feeling to come to the surface.

Reaction formation is sometimes described as one of the most difficult defenses for lay people to understand; this testifies not merely to its effectiveness as a disguise, but also to its ubiquity and flexibility as a defense that can be utilized in many forms.

[ … ]

Here’s the part that describes these very hetero, christian family values types to a tee:

A man who is overly aroused by pornographic material who utilizes reaction formation may take on an attitude of criticism toward the topic. He may end up sacrificing many of the positive things in his life, including family relationships, by traveling around the country to anti-pornography rallies. This view may become an obsession, whereby the man eventually does nothing but travel from rally to rally speaking out against pornography. He continues to do this, but only feels temporary relief, because thedeeply rooted arousal to an unacceptable behaviour such as watching pornography is still present, and underlying the implementation of the defense. At that point he can be said to have developed an obsessional personality above and beyond the defense mechanism.

When a strongly heterosexual individual is fearful of and/or hateful toward those who identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual, this may be an example of Freud’s theory, in that the personseeks to counteract their deep-seated and often untouched homosexual desires. A reaction formation is used to exaggerate heterosexual behavior outward, to relieve inward anxietyregarding homosexual desires.

… need it be any more clear?

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Neal Horsley Is Naming Gay Kenyans For Death

This christian sociopath, Neal “Mule-Fucker” Horsley, who was arrested after the YouTube video of his “Elton John must die” protest was posted, is running a website in Kenya that is naming specific people and outing them and calling for their deaths.  This has got to be illegal for a U.S. citizen to post public death threats in another country.

There are efforts underway to get the host, goDaddy.com, to pull the site projectsee.com.  He has his organization there putting up “Not Wanted” posters up in several cities in Kenya; the posters show photos and contact information, in Swahili, for “known homosexuals”.  Below is a really sick photo I got from his projectSEE (Stop Exporting Evil) website.  Now we know what type of men turn Horsley on. These homophobic, closeted types like this always seem to be fixated on masculine, muscular, good-looking men.  They FEAR the homo inside of them so much that they are willing to kill, literally kill, anyone that puts that fear in their faces.  They FEAR what they perceive as a threat to their masculinity because they are not secure in it themselves.

He also targets a gay travel site gay2afrika.com … it appears to be like any other gay travel agency, but Horsley is convinced that they arrange butt-fucking safaris and hunt down children.  He can’t wrap his head around the idea that gay people actually live lives and work and travel on vacations just like heteros do, and they like to do business with gay-owned businesses.  His suspicions of this travel agency are bizarre and would be hilarious if he wasn’t so demented and dangerous because of the influence he is wielding in Africa.


"Arrest Sodomites" - photo on Horsley's website

Photo on Horsley's website - now we know what type turns him on.

Here’s an article by Horsley, “Arrrest Homosexuals – It’s For Their Own Good”, on Dan Savage’s site.  This dude is clearly buck-ass insane.


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