Tag Archives: christianity

Futurama Explains Religion


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Devout Parents Must Indoctrinate Kids

Great post on EndHereditaryReligion.com“Devout parents claim they must indoctrinate their children”, here’s a quote:


To understand the harm you may be doing, commit to reading the personal stories people post to exchristian.net for 30 days. Look hard at exactly what the result of childhood indoctrination produces, not the rosy picture you have painted in your mind. Start paying attention to how people that leave are treated. Know that a large number of children do leave their childhood faith as soon as they are out from under their parents despotic supervision. Many drift into other religions because it is extremely difficult to escape the results of childhood indoctrination.


Exchristian.net is a great site if you haven’t checked it out.

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Pole Dancing For Jesus

Ain’t shittin’ ya: Facebook page Best Shape of Your Life

Bring your church program and pole dance for Jesus!.via Saint Godless

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Christianity Explained In One Tweet

I think I’ll pass:

Accepting Jesus sounds like a really fucked up thing to do.

Oh, but wait! – there’s some more of his gems of patriotic Christian wisdom and goodness, and are good reminders of why religion is a mental illness:

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Faith Is Not A Virtue

“Faith Is Not A Virtue; Faith Is Gullibility!” – The Atheist Experience


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David Fitzgerald On The (Non)Existence Of Jesus

An excellent talk, well worth the hour.


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Bill Pinhead O’Reilly Versus American Atheists’ Dave Silverman

Bill O’Reilly thinks that an invisible man in the sky controls the motion of the ocean tides and there’s no other way to explain it.  What a Pinhead!  Yes, the man who wrote a book called Pinheads and Patriots, the man who constantly talks over guests who hold opposing viewpoints and berates and insults them, says that it’s insulting for someone to say that religion is a scam and calls his guest, Dave Silverman, a ‘loon’.  O’Reilly has used his “tide goes in, tide goes out, sun comes up, sun goes down” argument on several occasions to “prove” god exists, as Steven Colbert shows in this clip.

Christians who are offended by this ‘scam’ message, are offended about only the christian part — they will readily inform you that all the other religions referenced on the billboard are scams, and don’t you dare question or criticize or mock their beliefs!  And so will Muslims do the same, and on and on.  They’re all full of shit, and they’re all scams.

You KNOW it's the fucking truth!


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South Carolina Celebrating Those Good Ole Days

You know, the good ole days when the darkies knew their place and a good, God-fearin’ Southern Gentleman could own a few of ’em.  So, South Carolina, the home of a big sack of nutty politicians and religious leaders, is celebrating the December 20, 1860 secession from the United States.  There will be huge costume balls and galas and re-enactments.


I know individuals have a right to do what they want as long at they’re not breaking laws, harming others or infringing on others’ rights. They can believe what they want, even if it’s not true. But it’s scary that folks can get this worked up about secession, bask in it, and then return to the real world where they work, shop and live with people whose ancestors were enslaved and treated as chattel during the period they just celebrated. When they remove the costumes, will they shed the mindset as well?

Nothing good can come of celebrating secession.

Should we note it? Yes. It changed the course of history and led to the deaths of more than 600,000 Americans. It eventually led to the emancipation of black slaves. It plunged South Carolina into poverty, which was in a way poetic justice, because the state had become the wealthiest in the union on the backs of slaves.

We should commemorate this past with solemn faces and heavy hearts. It’s a period that we ought to collectively remember, discuss and — to some degree — debate. But even then, we must not bury the truth. Pretending that slavery wasn’t the central reason South Carolina seceded is just plain wrong.

Members of the S.C. Sons of Confederate Veterans, a co-sponsor of the ball, argue that slavery was only one of several issues that caused the Civil War. Don’t take their or my word. Decide for yourself. We published the secession convention’s “Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union,” along with an editorial, on Thursday; go read it. While there are many things that can be debated, the reason for secession, in the secessionists’ own words, is not only clear but limited to one issue: slavery. They even lamented “the election of a man (Abraham Lincoln) to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery.”


Read more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/12/20/105478/commentary-celebrating-south-carolinas.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_term=news#ixzz18fUWEcpO


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Thanksgiving: Celebrating The Christian Slaughter Of Native Americans

The Dutch and English slaughter the Pequot in 1837

A very good read, Why I Hate Thanksgiving, by Mitchel Cohen, on the history of the Christian slaughter of the native peoples of America, the reason we’re here today.

The year was 1492. The Taino-Arawak people of the Bahamas discovered Christopher Columbus on their beach.

Historian Howard Zinn tells us how Arawak men and women, naked, tawny, and full of wonder, emerged from their villages onto the island’s beaches and swam out to get a closer look at the strange big boat. When Columbus and his sailors came ashore, carrying swords, speaking oddly, the Arawaks ran to greet them, brought them food, water, gifts. Columbus later wrote of this in his log. Here is what he wrote:

“They brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks’ bells. They willingly traded everything they owned. They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features. They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of sugar cane. They would make fine servants. With 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”

And so the conquest began, and the Thanotocracy — the regime of death — was inaugurated on the continent the Indians called “Turtle Island.”

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Christian Students Beat Up Girl Named ‘Randi’

A group of students in (*cough*) Mississippi, all pumped up and high on Jayzus after their Fellowship of Christian Students meeting, decided the good christian thing to do, since they didn’t have a queer to beat up, was to beat, kick and stomp the living shit out of a fellow 12-year old student because she has a “boy’s name”.  Randi.  With an ‘i’.

But, we know that Mississippi students can’t fucking spell.

After a Fellowship of Christian Students meeting, four girls and a boy surrounded her. “They started talking about me like I was a man, and like, stuff like that. That I shouldn’t be in this world. And my name was a boy name,” she said. Foster described how these people attacked her. “I was kicked in the rib. I was kicked in the leg. I was hit in the face. I was sat on top of and my face was jammed into the floor. I was thrown onto the cafeteria table. I was thrown in between the seats.” Her mother, Meggan Foster, is appalled at the whole ordeal. “She was sitting in a chair. Her glasses were broken. She had been crying. She had a bloody tissue in her hand from her nose bleeding,” Foster said. She said that a surveillance camera caught the whole thing, but that the principal could not give her a copy because it involves other students.

What in the hell do you “christian” parents and church fuck-heads teach these kids?  The tactics of christianist hate groups like the American Family Association (Tupelo, MS), for one, are working better than they ever hoped to spread christian hatred and intolerance.

The parents of these junior christ zombies need to be held liable and accountable.



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Hell Is For Children – A Christian Parable


Via @BibleAlsoSays on Twitter.

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Pat Condell: The Faith Of Idiots

Lulz: “When does embracing religion become the equivalent of having an operation to have your IQ lowered?”

via Mike Tidmus blog

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The Plagiarism Of Christianity

Religion is the greatest scam of all time.  Good video comparing the striking similarities between Egyptian Horus/Isis story and Judeo-Christian God/Holy Spirit/Jesus.

From Cobourg Atheist:

In the year that Jesus was supposed to be born, there were some common beliefs amongst people in the middle East and if you wanted to recruit followers you had to have your religion have the same features.  It’s no use saying – “Follow us, we believe in loving your neighbour as yourself”.  You had to have some neat things that showed your founder was a god.    And better still, have features that existing religions had so recruits would not have to give up on stuff.  Not all early Christians followed this line but those who didn’t had their books burned or heads cut off by Constantine or both. (Cobourg Atheist article)


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“Flying Witch” On Trial In Zimbabwe

This is more of the results of Christianity in Africa.  A witch is on trial in Zimbabwe.  She flies 120 kilometres at night, naked with two other naked witches in a straw basket, doing … you know, witchy things.

These are the same Christian people continent-wide who hunt down children suspected of being witches; the children are imprisoned, brutally tortured, mutilated, and/or killed.  They are the same Christians murdering gays in Africa.  These are the same Christians defended by the likes of Jason “Molotov” Mitchell, who apparently thinks that Christianity in Africa has anything in common with American Christianity.

From the flying witch article in Afrik.com (emphasis added):

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Muslim v. Christian Violence In Nigeria Worsens

Spy v. Spy [Muslim v. Christian]

Muslim v. Christian

Peaceful Muslims and peaceful Christians in Nigeria have been at each others’ throats for years.  Not even their shared hatred for homos can bring them together in harmony.  It works like an Easy Button in the U.S. with Mormons, Catholics and Protestants, traditionally damning each other to Hell, having found the beautiful common ground of arrogance, ignorance, fear and hatred when it comes to gay people.

“Angry Muslim youths” torched a Catholic church packed with worshippers.  Three hundred dead, and expect more as this latest volley has just begun.  It’s in ever-regressing retaliation that this bullshit continues (everywhere in the world), every generation indoctrinating the next, and it never enda.  People fight and die over this imaginary superstition in their heads.  ‘God’ and ‘Allah’ are creations of men, reflecting exactly the nature and desires of each of their creators.

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